No Meetings or Nets in November or December

Weekly Net – Mondays at 8:00PM – Except the Fourth Monday
146.94(-) 110.9  —  444.8125(+) 131.8  —  147.435  —  446.1

Join us for our monthly meeting, third Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM at  the Geauga County EOC – 12518 Merritt Rd, Chardon, OH.

Zoom Meeting Link


Volunteer for the Ohio Winter Rally!

Saturday, February 1

Volunteer with GEARS at the Fair!

August 29 - September 2

Volunteer for the Pumpkin Festival!

October 5-6

Geauga Emergency Amateur Radio Service

Our goal is to help make our community a better place by supporting public safety agencies and non-profits.

Our primary mission is to provide backup and secondary communications to our served agencies when needed.  We also provide general volunteer and manpower services to the community.

About Us

Emergency Communications

Our trained volunteers can provide much-needed backup and secondary communications in times of emergency or disaster.

Licensed and Trained

Our volunteers are licensed amateur radio operators and are well-trained, including Incident Command System training.

Events and Volunteering

We volunteer for events like festivals, bike rides, marathons and the Great Geauga County Fair. This helps us give back to the community while practicing our skills.


We are a non-profit corporation. We do not charge for our services. We accept donations and sell merchandise.

Volunteer Work

Some of our volunteer efforts.

The Great Geauga County Fair

We volunteer at the Fair every year, assisting the Sheriff’s Office and driving and dispatching golf carts to help people move around. (more info)


Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival

We help with the Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival and some of our members even serve on the board.


Ohio Winter Rally

We provide on-course assistance for this timed rally each year.  We monitor critical portions of the course for the rally coordinators.

Blossom Time Run

We work with the Chagrin Falls Police and the Chagrin Valley Jaycees.

2024 Total Solar Eclipse

GEARS amateur radio operators staffed several gatherings throughout Geauga County to provide situational awareness to the county EOC.

Have an opportunity for us?

Please get in touch! We’re happy to help.

Get in Touch