No Meetings or Nets in November or December

Weekly Net – Mondays at 8:00PM – Except the Fourth Monday
146.94(-) 110.9  —  444.8125(+) 131.8  —  147.435  —  446.1

Join us for our monthly meeting, third Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM at  the Geauga County EOC – 12518 Merritt Rd, Chardon, OH.

Zoom Meeting Link

Geauga Emergency Amateur Radio Service, LLC operates a limited-access mass-notification system that uses SMS text messaging. This service is offered strictly on an opt-in basis. Only GEARS members are eligible to opt in to this service, it is not open to the general public.

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties. Information will only be shared as needed to facilitate this messaging service.

OPT IN CONSENT: By submitting your phone number, you are authorizing us to send you text messages and notifications, and you are consenting to be contacted by SMS from Geauga Emergency Amateur Radio Service, LLC.

Message frequency may vary. Message/data rates apply. Reply STOP to unsubscribe to a message sent from us.